10 Phrases You Should Never Say to a Person With SchizophreniaNavigating life with schizophrenia can be difficult and is often made worse by well-meaning but frustrating advice from others. From oversimplifications to unsolicited suggestions, it's not uncommon for these interactions...Reactions0reactions
Understanding Symptoms: The Five A'sIf you're new to the role of caring for someone with a schizophrenia disorder, you might feel overwhelmed by all the new words you’re hearing. Don't worry – they'll start...Reactions0reactions
Weight Gain From AntipsychoticsAntipsychotics are drugs that treat psychosis. If you take an antipsychotic to treat your schizophrenia, a side effect of the drug may be weight gain. This happens to many people...Reactions0reactions
Combating the Vicious Cycle of Low Energy and Motivation at WorkHow can you get back on track at work in spite of concerns with depleted energy and motivation? What are some ways to cope with the stress of work and...Reactions0reactions
My Experience With Delusions — Reality Is My FriendFor those of us with schizophrenia or a schizophrenia-related disorder, delusions can be a part of what we experience when we are in the midst of some form of psychosis...Reactions0reactions
5 Ways to Observe World Schizophrenia DayWorld Schizophrenia Day, which falls on May 24 each year, is traditionally a moment to raise awareness and advocate for better understanding of people with schizophrenia. But I've found comfort...Reactions0reactions
What Is the Relationship Between Substance Use Disorder and Schizophrenia?Substance use disorder (SUD) is an illness that impacts your brain and how you behave. It is also called addiction or substance abuse. It leads to a loss of control...Reactions0reactions
Terms to Banish From Your Vocabulary NowWhen my loved ones were diagnosed with schizophrenia disorder, no one had to tell me it was one of the most stigmatized conditions, and I worried a lot about how...Reactions0reactions
My Psychosis Photo AlbumWhen the average person pictures someone in psychosis, they probably imagine someone who hasn't bathed in days aimlessly wandering the streets muttering to themselves. True, sometimes our illness causes behavior...Reactions0reactions
"Are You Okay?": Recognizing When My Tank Is On Empty"Are you okay? Are you sure you're okay? Cause you don't look okay. I can see it in your eyes, get some rest," a peer and client said. Embarrassment. That's...Reactions0reactions
What Is a Service Dog for Schizophrenia, and How Do I Get One?The loving presence of a pet can do wonders for mental health. This is especially true for people who have service or emotional support animals. Therapeutic uses for dogs and...Reactions0reactions
Tardive Dyskinesia: How I Live With It (and Why I'm Not Willing to Live Without It)I have been on antipsychotic medication for the past 25 years. Some have been newer, atypical antipsychotics, some are older, typical ones. Due to this, I have started to experience...Reactions0reactions
My First SchizoFRIENDia Changed EverythingIt took me 2 years after coming to terms with my schizophrenia to find Shannon, my first friend who shared the condition. But when I finally met them, I knew...Reactions0reactions
Schizophrenia and Sleep ParalysisMany people with schizophrenia have sleep problems. This can make it harder to fall asleep or stay asleep, resulting in bad sleep quality. One condition that reduces sleep quality is...Reactions0reactions
Why I Struggle With the Term "Caregiver"Long before my daughter's onset of schizoaffective disorder, I cared for relatives with early-onset dementia and debilitating PTSD. During these times, I took responsibility for household tasks, interacted with clinicians...Reactions0reactions
The Transformative Power of Art for SchizophreniaLiving with schizophrenia, my mind often races with loud thoughts. In these moments, I turn to my sketchbook. I open to a blank white page, I let my pens create...Reactions0reactions
Do You Have a Crisis Plan?I had been in recovery for over 16 years when I had this situation. Just when I thought I could juggle everything, life pulls the rug from underneath me. A...Reactions0reactions
Emotional? It's OK to Feel Feelings with Schizophrenia!As a person living with schizoaffective disorder, or any kind of serious mental health issue, I think that it's often really hard just to feel our feelings without anyone (even...Reactions0reactions
Treating and Managing Tardive DyskinesiaTardive dyskinesia (TD) is a movement disorder caused by certain medicines. People with TD have involuntary facial movements, or tics. "Tardive" means delayed, and "dyskinesia" means involuntary muscle movements. There...Reactions0reactions
The 2024 Social Health Awards ProgramEditorial Note: Nominations for 2024 are now closed. We are very excited to announce the launch of the 2024 Social Health Awards program! The Social Health Awards is an awards...Reactions0reactions